The Blood Beast Terror is a 1968 British horror film directed by Vernon Sewell. In addition to Peter Cushing, the film stars Robert Flemyng, Wanda Ventham, and Vanessa Howard. The story follows Inspector Quennell (Peter Cushing), who is investigating a series of gruesome murders in a rural English village. The victims are all young men, and their bodies have been drained of blood.

As the investigation progresses, Quennell discovers a strange connection between the murders and an eccentric entomologist named Dr. Mallinger (Robert Flemyng). It turns out that Mallinger has been experimenting with a rare breed of moth that is capable of transforming into a human-like form. These "blood beasts" are responsible for the murders, and Quennell must track down Mallinger before he can unleash them on the world.

Along the way, Quennell enlists the help of Mallinger's daughter Clare (Wanda Ventham) and her friend Meg (Vanessa Howard). The women become targets of the blood beasts, and Quennell must race against the clock to save them and stop Mallinger's twisted experiments.

The Blood Beast Terror is known for its low-budget special effects, which earned both praise and criticism from critics. However, the film is also notable for its strong performances, particularly by Cushing, who brings gravitas to his role as the intrepid detective. Overall, the film is a fun and entertaining entry in the classic British horror canon.

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