Watch The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings Movie without subscription

Barnstorming Rebels: The Bingo Long Story.

Comedy  United States of America 

The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings is a 1976 sports comedy-drama film directed by John Badham and starring Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones, and Richard Pryor. The film is based on a novel by William Brashler.

The film is set in the 1930s when segregation and racism were rampant in America, and the Negro Baseball League was the only option for black baseball players. In the league, team owners treated their players like slaves, paying them meager wages, banning them from hotels and restaurants, and exploiting their talents without any recognition.

Bingo Long, a charismatic pitcher, and other skilled players decide to form their own team called the "Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings." They tour the Midwest, playing against other all-black teams and inviting white players to join them.

Their journey is full of challenges and obstacles, including facing racism, financial troubles, and disagreements within the team. But, with Bingo's leadership and the team's unbreakable spirit, they manage to achieve victories on and off the field, gaining recognition and respect from fans and other players.

Throughout the film, the characters struggle with their identity and what it means to be black in America. They also challenge stereotypes and prejudices through their exceptional talent, intelligence, and resilience.

The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings is a poignant and inspiring film that celebrates the human spirit and the power of unity. It highlights the important role of sports in breaking down racial barriers and promoting social justice.


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