The Beverly Hillbillies was a beloved TV show in the 1960s, which was later adapted into a movie in 1993. The storyline revolves around the Clampett family who become instant millionaires when they strike oil on their property in rural Arkansas. Jed, the family patriarch, decides to move his entire family to Beverly Hills, where they buy a mansion and begin their new life.

The Clampetts' arrival in Beverly Hills creates quite a stir, with everyone in the community either fascinated or amused by their naive ways and country-style clothing. Despite their wealth, the Clampetts continue to live their lives as they always have, causing consternation among Beverly Hills' elites.

In the movie, Jed's nephew Jethro falls for a woman named Elly May, who reveals herself to be a con artist working with her boyfriend to swindle the Clampetts. Meanwhile, Granny, Jed's mother, keeps up her traditional ways and refuses to conform to the ways of city life.

Jed himself is a kind-hearted man who is always looking out for his family, but he yearns to find a new wife to help his family navigate the unfamiliar terrain of Beverly Hills. He comes across many eligible women, including a snooty socialite, a supermodel, and a gold digger.

Through it all, the Clampetts manage to keep their sense of humor and stay true to their roots, showing that no matter how much money they have or where they live, family and values are what really matter.

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