The movie, directed by A.J. Edwards, takes a poetic and highly stylized approach to the early years of Abraham Lincoln's life. Shot in black and white, with a haunting score by Hanan Townshend, the film is a meditation on the natural world and the inner life of a young boy who would go on to become one of America's most revered leaders.

As a child, Abe is played by newcomer Braydon Denney, who delivers a performance of remarkable depth and sensitivity. He is a dreamy, introspective child, who spends much of his time wandering the fields and woods around his home. His mother, played by Brit Marling, is a kind and gentle presence, who instills in him a love of books and a sense of wonder about the world. His father, played by Jason Clarke, is a harder man, who believes in the value of hard work and discipline.

When tragedy strikes and Abe's mother dies, his world is shattered. But his stepmother, played by Diane Kruger, sees something special in the boy and takes him under her wing. She encourages his love of reading and writing and urges him to pursue an education. Along the way, Abe must navigate the challenges of growing up on the frontier, including the threat of Native American attacks and the harsh realities of frontier life.

The Better Angels is a visually stunning and deeply moving film that explores the early influences that shaped Abraham Lincoln's character and his outlook on life. It is a tribute to the power of love, the beauty of nature, and the resilience of the human spirit.

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