The Best Man is a 2005 action-comedy film directed by Stefan Schwartz. The film revolves around a group of mercenaries led by a ruthless ex-soldier who seize control of a remote resort hotel during a lavish wedding ceremony. The mercenaries hold the guests and staff hostage and demand a ransom of millions of dollars.

The groom, Tom (played by Stuart Townsend), and his best man, Josh (played by Seth Green), are forced to take action to save the hostages and stop the terrorists. Together with their drunken friend, a bartender named Graham (played by Jamie Turner), they use their wit and resourcefulness to outsmart the mercenaries and mount a daring rescue mission.

As the three friends navigate the treacherous terrain of the hotel, they encounter a variety of challenges and obstacles, including booby traps, hidden weapons caches, and traitors among the hostages. Along the way, they team up with an unlikely ally, a female guest named Anna (played by Amy Smart), who proves to be a valuable asset in their fight against the mercenaries.

The Best Man is a fast-paced, thrill-packed action-comedy that combines humor, suspense, and high-stakes drama. With its clever plot twists and memorable characters, the film is a cult classic of the genre and an entertaining ride from start to finish.

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