The Baytown Outlaws is an action-comedy film directed by Barry Battles. The story follows a woman named Celeste who hires three rowdy brothers, Brick, McQueen, and Lincoln, to rescue her son from her abusive ex-husband, Carlos. The three brothers, who operate as vigilantes for hire, initially accept the job for the money, but they soon find themselves emotionally invested in saving the boy and protecting Celeste from harm.

Things quickly escalate when they discover that Carlos is a dangerous man who has connections to a bigger criminal organization. Soon, the brothers find themselves on the run from a colorful cast of characters, including a group of biker assassins, a crooked sheriff, and a mysterious assassin simply known as "The Reaper". Along the way, they pick up a young woman named Zoe, who has her own reasons for getting involved in their mission.

As the chase intensifies, the brothers must use all of their wits and skills to stay alive and protect Celeste and her son. There's plenty of gunplay, explosions, and over-the-top action scenes as they navigate a world filled with corrupt law enforcement, rival gangs, and dangerous criminals. The Baytown Outlaws is a wild ride full of humor, heart, and plenty of bloodshed.

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