The film follows the rise and fall of Maria Vargas (played by Ava Gardner), a fiery and talented Spanish dancer who catches the eye of Hollywood director Harry Dawes (Humphrey Bogart) while performing in a nightclub. Dawes is impressed with Maria's raw talent and exotic beauty and convinces her to come to America to star in his next film.

Once in Hollywood, Maria becomes a sensation, adored by the public and pursued by wealthy suitors like Alberto Bravano (played by Edmund O'Brien), a powerful Italian millionaire who becomes her lover and benefactor. As Maria's star continues to rise, she attracts the attention of Count Vincenzo Torlato-Favrini (Rossano Brazzi), a charming and sophisticated Italian nobleman who becomes entranced by her beauty and passion.

As Maria navigates the treacherous waters of fame and fortune, she finds herself caught between these two men, both of whom want her for themselves. But despite her fame and wealth, Maria remains a down-to-earth and humble woman at heart, who longs for something deeper and more meaningful than the shallow and superficial world of Hollywood.

The Barefoot Contessa is a lushly romantic and bittersweet love story, full of passion, intrigue, and betrayal. It also explores themes of class, gender, and power dynamics, offering a searing critique of the movie industry and the ways in which it objectifies and exploits women.

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