The woman, named Taylor, is still grieving for her fiancé who died in a car accident. To start fresh, she accepts a job as an au pair for a wealthy family. As she settles into her new role, she becomes suspicious of the family's strange behavior and begins to uncover their dark secret.

Taylor discovers that the family's daughter disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the parents have been keeping it a secret. As she tries to uncover the truth, she becomes the target of the family's wrath and her life is put in danger.

The film takes a thrilling turn as Taylor tries to escape from the house, but the family will do anything to keep their secrets hidden. The suspense builds up as Taylor unravels the mystery and tries to survive.

The Au Pair Nightmare is a story of survival and courage, as Taylor tries to overcome her own past trauma while facing the dangers of her job as an au pair for a family with a dark secret.

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