The Appearing follows the story of Emma Higgins (Emily Brooks), a young woman who has been haunted by a mysterious entity since childhood. Emma's life takes a turn for the worse when she marries a man named Henry (Will Wallace) and moves to a small town in Georgia.

As Emma attempts to settle into her new life, the entity that has been following her begins to grow stronger, and soon she finds herself possessed by it. Emma's husband Henry, with the help of a local pastor, sets out to help Emma rid herself of the dark force.

During their efforts, Emma discovers that the entity is linked to a traumatic event from her childhood and must confront her past in order to overcome the demon. As Emma delves deeper into her memories, she unravels a shocking secret about her past that she never knew existed.

The film features suspenseful and supernatural elements as Emma battles the demon lurking inside of her and struggles to uncover her past. It also delves into the themes of faith and spirituality as Emma seeks guidance from the pastor and ultimately must face her demons on her own.

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