The Ambulance is a 1990 thriller film written and directed by Larry Cohen. It stars Eric Roberts as Josh Baker, a comic book artist who witnesses a young woman named Cheryl (played by Janine Turner) collapse on the street and is taken away in an ambulance. Josh follows the ambulance to a hospital, only to find no record of Cheryl being admitted.

As he investigates her disappearance, he discovers that her roommate, a model named Sandra (played by Megan Gallagher), also vanished after being picked up by the same ambulance. Despite the police dismissing his claims, Josh becomes increasingly convinced that there is a conspiracy afoot and takes matters into his own hands.

He teams up with a self-proclaimed "bag lady" named Elias (played by James Earl Jones) who witnessed Cheryl's abduction and helps Josh track down the mysterious ambulance. As they dig deeper, Josh and Elias uncover a sinister plot involving a mysterious doctor (played by Red Buttons) who is using the ambulance as a cover for his experiments on living human subjects.

The film is a blend of thriller and comedy, with Roberts providing some humorous moments amidst the tense and suspenseful plot. The Ambulance has been praised for its originality and Cohen's unique vision, as well as the performances of Roberts, Jones, and Gallagher.

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