The Alternate follows the story of Jake, a struggling filmmaker who has always dreamed of making it big in Hollywood. One day, he discovers a portal to an alternate dimension where all his dreams have come true. In this dimension, he is a successful filmmaker with a loving family and a beautiful home. This is too good to be true, right?

As Jake begins to explore this alternate reality, he realizes that everything is not as perfect as it seems. He is forced to confront his idealized self, who is confident, successful, and self-assured, unlike Jake in the real world. Jake starts to question his own identity and whether he truly wants to live in this alternate reality or not.

As Jake navigates this alternate dimension, he meets a series of characters who teach him that success does not always equate to happiness. He also discovers that the other people in this dimension are not who they seem to be. Meanwhile, back in the real world, Jake's loved ones become concerned about his whereabouts and decide to search for him.

The Alternate is a thought-provoking, visually stunning movie that explores the idea of the grass always being greener on the other side. It asks the question, what would happen if you had everything you ever dreamed of? Is it worth sacrificing who you truly are, and what you have in order to achieve it?

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