The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a black comedy horror film directed by Robert Fuest and released in 1971. It stars Vincent Price as Anton Phibes, a brilliant but twisted organist who becomes horribly disfigured in a car crash while racing to be by his wife's side. When he learns that his beloved Victoria (Caroline Munro) has died on the operating table, Phibes goes mad with grief and vows to avenge her death by punishing the medical team who failed to save her.

Phibes meticulously plans his elaborate revenge scheme based on the biblical plagues of Egypt. Using his incredible skills in music, science, and engineering, he constructs a series of death traps that slowly and creatively kill his victims one by one. His first target is the chief surgeon who led the operation, followed by the anesthetist, the nurse, the radiologist, and the embalmer. Each murder is accompanied by a macabre musical performance played on his organ or other instruments, such as a drum kit made of human bones or a brass band of automatons.

Meanwhile, the police, led by Inspector Trout (Peter Jeffrey), are baffled by the bizarre murders and unable to stop Phibes. They enlist the help of a young doctor named Vesalius (Joseph Cotten), who has a connection to Victoria and can provide insight into Phibes' motives. Vesalius and Trout race against time to decode Phibes' cryptic clues and prevent him from killing his final victim, who happens to be a woman who looks exactly like Victoria.

The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a cult classic that combines elements of horror, comedy, and camp. It features striking visuals, imaginative deaths, and a memorable performance by Vincent Price, who portrays Phibes as both menacing and sympathetic. The film spawned a sequel, Dr. Phibes Rises Again, and inspired other movies and TV shows that pay homage to its Gothic style and twisted humor.

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