Terms and Conditions May Apply is a documentary film directed by Cullen Hoback, which premiered in 2013. The film explores the hidden dangers of agreeing to the endless terms and conditions that users are required to accept before using online services. The film argues that these contracts are deliberately obscure, making it difficult for users to understand the extent of their rights and the implications of their consent.

The film features interviews with a wide range of experts, including bloggers, privacy advocates, and legal scholars. It also includes stories of individuals whose personal information was compromised by these policies. The documentary examines the ways in which corporations and governments are using the vast amounts of data they collect through social media, search engines, and other online services.

The film highlights the fact that many individuals are unknowingly giving away their personal information for free, allowing corporations and governments to use it for their own purposes. The documentary exposes the ways in which companies can use personal data to target individuals with ads, track their movements, and even predict their future behavior.

Overall, the film argues that the legal agreements we agree to every day have tremendous power and potential consequences that we are often unaware of. Terms and Conditions May Apply highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the digital age, as the power of data continues to grow.

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