In TEKKEN, the protagonist Jin Kazama (played by Jon Foo) enters the tournament with the goal of avenging his mother's death at the hands of Mishima's leader, Heihachi Mishima (played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa). Along the way, he teams up with a ragtag group of fighters, including Christie Monteiro (played by Kelly Overton) and Raven (played by Darrin Dewitt Henson).

As Jin progresses through the tournament, he discovers a dark secret about Mishima Zaibatsu's true goals. He must fight against increasingly lethal opponents, including the cyborg Nina Williams (played by Candice Hillebrand) and Mishima's own son, Kazuya Mishima (played by Ian Anthony Dale).

The movie features stunning martial arts choreography and intense fight scenes, as well as exploring themes of family, revenge, and the ethical implications of corporate power. It received mixed reviews upon its release in 2010, with some praising the action sequences and world-building, while others criticized the thin plot and underdeveloped characters.

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