Teen Wolf Too is a comedy film released in 1987, directed by Christopher Leitch. It stars Jason Bateman as Todd Howard, the cousin of Scott Howard, who was the protagonist of the first Teen Wolf movie. This time around, Todd is a college student attending Hamilton University, who is struggling to cope with the pressure of his athletic scholarship and the expectations of his demanding father.

To add to his troubles, Todd discovers that he has inherited the family curse that turns him into a werewolf when he gets too emotional. This transformation comes in handy, however, as it enables Todd to excel in sports and become the hero of the college basketball team. He also gains popularity, attention from girls, and a newfound confidence that he never had before.

But Todd soon discovers that his newfound fame and success come at a price. He begins to lose touch with his true self, and his relationship with his girlfriend, who is unaware of his werewolf identity, begins to suffer. Moreover, his rival, the sneaky and manipulative Dean Dunn, plans to exploit Todd's condition for his own benefit.

The climax of the movie takes place during the boxing tournament, where Todd must decide whether to use his werewolf powers to win or to stay true to himself and risk losing everything he has gained. Teen Wolf Too is a light-hearted, coming-of-age comedy that touches upon themes of identity, acceptance, and staying true to oneself.

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