Targets is a 1968 American thriller film directed by Peter Bogdanovich. The film tells two parallel stories that eventually converge. The first is about a young Vietnam veteran named Bobby Thompson (Tim O'Kelly), who slowly becomes unhinged and plans a mass shooting spree. The second story is about Byron Orlok (Boris Karloff), an aging horror film star who is set to make his final appearance at a drive-in theater.

Bobby Thompson has recently returned from serving in Vietnam and is struggling to adjust to life back in America. He becomes increasingly disillusioned with society and decides to vent his anger by embarking on a killing spree. As he drives around Los Angeles, he shoots several people at random, including his own family members.

Meanwhile, Byron Orlok is preparing for his last public appearance at a drive-in theater as part of a movie promotion. He is tired of playing horror movie villains and wants to retire from acting. Orlok has no idea that a disturbed man is planning a mass shooting at the theater where he will be appearing.

As the movie progresses, the two stories converge as Bobby Thompson makes his way to the drive-in theater with his weapons. He plans to continue his killing spree at the theater, where Byron Orlok is the guest of honor. The final scenes of the film take place at the drive-in, with tension mounting as the two characters' paths cross.

Targets is a tense and chilling portrayal of a disturbed mind and a commentary on the violence that had begun to pervade American society. The film was notable for being Boris Karloff's last appearance in a horror film.

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