Tango Shalom revolves around the story of a Hasidic Rabbi, Moshe Yehuda (played by Jos Laniado), who is facing a financial crisis. To save his struggling Hebrew school, he enlists the help of his brother-in-law (Karina Smirnoff) to enter a Tango dance competition with him. The only problem is that as an Orthodox Jew, Moshe is forbidden from touching any woman other than his wife.

To overcome this hurdle, Moshe comes up with a creative solution. He will dance with his wife, but his wife doesn't know how to Tango. So, he enlists the help of an Argentine Tango teacher (Renée Taylor), who agrees to train him and his wife, and guides them on their journey towards the dance competition.

The movie is a heartwarming story of cultural clashes, religious tolerance, and the power of dance to unite people from different backgrounds. Through their journey, Moshe and his family learn to overcome the obstacles that come their way, becoming more united as a family and as a community.

The movie features a stellar cast that includes legendary actors like Lainie Kazan, Jos Laniado, Karina Smirnoff, Renee Taylor, and Joseph Bologna. Additionally, the movie's soundtrack consists of infectious Tango music that is sure to leave the audiences tapping their feet.

Tango Shalom is a poignant and charming fable of hope, faith, and the courage to follow one's dreams, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

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