Taking Chances (also known as "King of the Mountain") is a 2009 independent comedy-drama film directed by Talmage Cooley and starring Justin Long, Emmanuelle Chriqui, and Rob Corddry. The film follows Chase Revere, a young man who lives in the small town of Glenboro, Oregon. Chase is obsessed with preserving the town's history and traditions, as the town played a small but significant role in the American Revolution.

However, when a wealthy Indian tribe announces plans to build a casino on the site of Glenboro's historic battlefield, Chase sees this as a threat to his mission and rallies the town to fight against the project. He joins forces with Lucy Shanks, a seductive woman with a shady past who has her own reasons for opposing the casino.

The two main characters start a campaign to stop the Indian casino from being built and attract attention from the media and the surrounding communities. However, their actions also draw the wrath of the town's residents, including Chase's own family. As the battle heats up, Chase and Lucy's relationship becomes complicated, and they must navigate their personal feelings while working together to stop the casino.

Taking Chances is a comedic and heartwarming story about identity, community, and standing up for what you believe in. The film tackles serious issues, including indigenous rights and the preservation of historical sites, while never taking itself too seriously. With excellent performances from its talented cast, Taking Chances is a charming and entertaining film that will leave viewers both laughing and thinking.

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