"Takedown" is a 2000 biographical cyber-thriller movie based on the true story of Kevin Mitnick's arrest and eventual conviction of various computer and communications-related offenses. The movie is directed by Joe Chappelle and stars Skeet Ulrich as Kevin Mitnick, and Russell Wong as Tsutomu Shimomura, the security expert who becomes Kevin's arch-nemesis.

The movie follows Kevin Mitnick as he carries out a series of high-profile computer hacks, stealing valuable information and causing chaos across various networks. He becomes one of the FBI's most wanted criminals, after breaking into a number of secure computer systems, including the FBI's own network. Tsutomu Shimomura, a computer security expert and former hacker, is hired by the FBI to track down Kevin and bring him to justice.

The movie depicts their intense cat-and-mouse game, as Shimomura uses his technical skills to identify Kevin's whereabouts and hack into his systems, while Kevin tries to stay one step ahead of the law. The story culminates in a dramatic showdown, where Kevin is finally apprehended and brought to trial.

Overall, "Takedown" is a gripping and realistic portrayal of the world of hacking and cyber-crime, with a relentless pace and an engaging storyline that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history of computer hacking and the rise of cyber-security in modern society.

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