Take the Night is a thrilling action movie directed by Seth Worley and written by Shane Worley. The film centers on two brothers named Ethan and Jonah who are not in good terms with each other. Ethan, the elder brother, is wealthy and successful while Jonah is a struggling musician.

Frustrated with his life and envious of his brother's success, Jonah comes up with a plan to prank kidnap Ethan and teach him a lesson. However, things take a dangerous turn when Jonah unknowingly hires a group of professional criminals to carry out the kidnapping.

The criminals, led by a ruthless Russian gangster named Kostya, have their own motivations for kidnapping Ethan. They plan to ransom him for a hefty sum of money and use the proceeds to carry out other criminal activities.

As Jonah realizes the gravity of his mistake, he races against time to save his brother and undo the damage he has caused. Along the way, he teams up with a tough undercover cop named Maria, and together they hatch a plan to outsmart the criminals and rescue Ethan.

The movie is filled with intense action sequences, thrilling chases, and unexpected plot twists. It explores themes of sibling rivalry, jealousy, and the consequences of one's actions. The impressive cast includes actors like Vincent Van Horn, Jesse C. Boyd, and Katie Whipple, who deliver powerful performances that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

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