Take Me to Tarzana is a comedy-drama film directed by Maceo Greenberg. It follows the story of three close friends, Miles, Bobby, and Ivan, who work at an unethical tech company named Information Systemz. One day, the friends discover that their employer has been illegally collecting and selling personal data about them.

The friends quickly realize that their company's CEO, Kaine, is a maniacal Tarzan-obsessed boss, and their lecherous supervisor, Bruce, is in cahoots with Kaine. Determined to take down their corrupt and immoral employer, the friends come up with a plan to expose the truth and seek justice.

Their plan quickly turns into a hilarious and wild adventure as they use unconventional tactics to outsmart the nefarious CEO and his cohorts. Along the way, they encounter a range of eccentric characters, including a yoga-loving producer and a rebellious artist, who help them in their mission.

As the friends risk their jobs and personal safety, they learn the true meaning of friendship and the importance of standing up for what is right. With a clever script, witty dialogue, and a talented cast, Take Me to Tarzana is an entertaining and thought-provoking film that tackles timely issues about privacy, morality, and corporate greed.

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