Take Back the Night is a psychological thriller movie directed by Emily Skye. The movie follows Jane, a young woman who is recovering from drug addiction and mental illness. When she becomes the victim of a brutal monster attack, Jane takes it upon herself to seek revenge and bring the beast to justice.

Armed with determination and a fierce sense of justice, Jane begins to gather clues and track the monster's movements. She starts to notice strange markings and patterns around her town that seem to point towards the monster's lair. With the help of a few trusted allies, she sets out to destroy the beast and reclaim her life.

However, as Jane's obsession with the monster intensifies, her past comes back to haunt her. Her family, community, and the authorities begin to question the authenticity of her story, leaving Jane to fight alone. With her grip on reality slipping, she starts to doubt if the monster truly exists or if it's a figment of her imagination.

The movie is a harrowing exploration of trauma, addiction, and the blurred lines between reality and delusion. It features a compelling lead performance from the talented cast and a gripping storyline that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Overall, Take Back the Night is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers.

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