Syndicate Smasher is an action-packed thriller film that follows a group of highly skilled and lethal mercenaries who are hired as contract killers by a mysterious individual known only as "The Messenger." The group is made up of six individuals, each with their own unique skillset, including martial arts, sharpshooting, and explosives handling.

However, their seemingly perfect jobs come crashing down when they are double-crossed by The Messenger, who reveals that they have been contracted to kill high-ranking members of different criminal organizations, including the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Russian Mob, and the Tongs. With their lives in serious danger, the group must fight for their survival as they are hunted down by the very gangs they were hired to take out.

As the mercenaries try to navigate their way out of this deadly situation, they discover that there is another player involved, a mysterious woman who seems to be pulling some of the strings. With her own agenda and motivations, she becomes a thorn in their flesh as they try to outrun the criminal organizations hot on their trail.

The film features intense action scenes, explosive gunfights, and adrenaline-fueled martial arts fights as the mercenaries go head to head with the gangs that are out to get them. The group must come together to not only take down their enemies but also to uncover the identity of the mysterious woman who seems to be their common enemy.

Overall, Syndicate Smasher is a heart-racing film that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

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