Switchblade Sisters is a 1975 American exploitation film directed by Jack Hill. The story follows a new girl named Maggie, who joins a female gang called The Dagger Debs. The group is ruled by the ruthless Lace, who controls their turf with an iron fist. Maggie soon becomes embroiled in the group's battles against a rival male gang, and she and Lace begin to clash over leadership and a boy they both have feelings for.

As the turf war heats up, the violence escalates, and the girls become increasingly cunning and dangerous. They engage in fist fights, knife fights, and gun battles, all while balancing romantic entanglements and internal power struggles.

With its feminist themes and portrayal of strong, independent women, Switchblade Sisters has gained a cult following and is considered a classic of the exploitation genre. The film's style is characterized by its gritty, low-budget look and its mix of violence and dark humor.

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