Sweet River

Horror  Australia 

Sweet River is a thrilling and haunting mystery film directed by Justin McMillan. The story revolves around Hannah (played by Lisa Kay), a grieving mother who is relentlessly searching for her missing son's body. Her journey leads her to the small and secluded town of Billins, where she discovers that the locals are hiding some dark secrets.

As Hannah delves deeper into the town's history and its residents' lives, she uncovers a web of lies and deceit that threatens to destroy the town and its inhabitants. The town's people, both living and dead, are not eager to reveal their secrets and are willing to do anything to keep them hidden.

The film's atmosphere is eerie and tense throughout, with excellent cinematography capturing the eerie ambiance of the town and its surroundings. The acting is impressive, with Lisa Kay delivering a convincing portrayal of a mother torn between grief and determination.

Overall, Sweet River is a compelling and engaging film that is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film's gripping plot, excellent cast, and dark and moody tone make it a must-see for fans of the mystery genre.

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