Sweet Movie is a 1974 avant-garde art film directed by Dusan Makavejev. It follows the story of a beautiful young woman named Miss Canada, who wins the prestigious Miss World Virginity contest. She is presented to the world as the epitome of innocence and purity, and is immediately married off to a wealthy and sadistic shipowner named Mr. Kapital.

However, Miss Canada quickly realizes that her new husband is more interested in inflicting pain on her than anything else. She manages to escape from him and goes on a wild journey across the world, encountering a series of bizarre and sexually explicit situations along the way.

Meanwhile, a parallel storyline follows a socialist captain named Anna Planeta, who leads a group of workers in a revolution against the ruling class. However, she soon becomes disillusioned with their cause and becomes a prisoner of the oppressive government.

The film is notorious for its graphic depiction of sexuality, violence, and political subversion. It features surreal imagery and a nonlinear narrative structure, and has been praised by some as a masterpiece of surrealist cinema. However, it has also been criticized for its depictions of sexual assault and its controversial political themes.

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