Survive the Night is a thriller movie directed by Matt Eskandari and released in 2020. The movie stars Bruce Willis, Chad Michael Murray, Lydia Hull, and Tyler Jon Olson.

The story follows Frank, a disgraced doctor who lives with his family in a secluded house in the countryside. One night, two criminals on the run, brothers Mathias and Jamie, break into the house, hoping to find a place to hide until they can escape the authorities. However, their plan goes wrong when Mathias gets shot during the robbery.

Desperate to save his brother's life, Jamie forces Frank to keep Mathias alive while he searches for medical supplies. As time passes and Mathias's condition worsens, tensions rise in the house, and Frank must use his medical skills to keep the criminal alive.

As the night goes on, Jamie becomes increasingly violent and threatens to harm Frank's family unless he helps his brother escape. Frank must find a way to outsmart the criminals and protect his family before it's too late.

Survive the Night is a tense and suspenseful movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The cast delivers strong performances, and the cinematography and direction create a claustrophobic and ominous atmosphere that adds to the movie's overall tension.

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