The film follows Jim as he begins his training at the police academy and is assigned to a veteran cop, Amy, as his mentor. Jim is eager to prove himself and quickly becomes disillusioned with the bureaucracy and red tape of the police department. When he responds to a domestic violence call and witnesses Amy's lackluster response, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

Jim becomes obsessed with solving the case and starts to bend the rules, leading to a series of dangerous and illegal actions. As he spirals out of control, Amy tries to reign him in and remind him of the importance of following protocol. However, Jim's desire to make a difference and his own personal demons drive him further down a destructive path.

As Jim's actions become increasingly reckless, he puts himself and others in danger. The film explores themes of power dynamics, morality, and the consequences of crossing the line in pursuit of justice. In the end, Jim must confront the consequences of his actions and decide what kind of cop he wants to be.

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