Surfing Morning of the Sun is a documentary film directed by Peter Hamblin and released in 2019. The film tells the story of a group of surfers who set out to explore the Indonesian archipelago on a classic 1970s-style boat. Along the way, they encounter a diverse range of surf spots and local cultures, and reflect on the history and art of surfing.

The film features stunning footage of contemporary surfing from some of the best surfers in the world, including Tom Curren, Mason Ho, and Rob Machado. Interwoven with this footage is vintage 16mm film from the 1970s, including scenes from classic surf films like Morning of the Earth.

The film is set to an original score by Australian musician Nick Wales, which blends Indonesian and Western musical influences to create a unique and atmospheric soundtrack.

Surfing Morning of the Sun has been praised by critics for its beautiful cinematography, evocative soundtrack, and heartfelt exploration of the surfing lifestyle. It is a must-see for anyone who loves surfing or is interested in the history and culture of this iconic sport.

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