The movie Superman: Brainiac Attacks is an animated action-adventure film released in 2006. The movie is directed by Curt Geda and written by Duane Capizzi. The film stars Tim Daly as Superman, Dana Delany as Lois Lane, and Lance Henriksen as the voice of Brainiac.

The story begins with Superman fighting a giant robot in Metropolis. Later, he hears about an attack by the villain Brainiac in Smallville. However, the attack turns out to be a ploy by Lex Luthor, who had previously been in league with Brainiac. Luthor wants to destroy Superman and enlists Brainiac's help to accomplish his goal.

Brainiac and Luthor plan to use a strand of Kryptonite, collected from a distant planet, to weaken Superman. The Kryptonite can also be used to control Superman's mind, turning him into their pawn. Lois Lane is sent to cover the story and ends up being captured by Luthor. Superman must rescue Lois and stop Brainiac and Luthor's evil plan.

Superman battles Brainiac in a series of intense confrontations. Meanwhile, Luthor's plan to use the Kryptonite strand on Superman hits a snag, causing unexpected side effects. As the situation spirals out of control, Superman and Lois discover a plan that could defeat Brainiac and save the world from destruction.

Overall, Superman: Brainiac Attacks is a thrilling adventure featuring the iconic hero battling one of his most dangerous foes. The animation is well done and the voice acting is excellent. The film is rated PG and is suitable for all ages.

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