Super Monsters: The New Class is a Netflix original animated movie that continues the adventures of the Super Monsters. The story follows a group of pint-sized preschoolers who join the Pitchfork Pines preschool and join the Super Monsters team, bringing new energy and excitement to the group. The Super Monsters, who have been using their superpowers in the Red Room, are now ready to take on more challenging tasks in the Purple Room, where they will face new and exciting adventures.

The new class of preschoolers includes Lobo, a werewolf; Cleo, a mummy; Zoe, a vampire; Spike, a dragon; and Olive, a human with special powers. As the Super Monsters welcome the new members, they discover that each one has unique powers that can be used to help others and solve problems.

As they explore and learn in the Purple Room, the Super Monsters face challenges such as teamwork, problem-solving, and respecting others. Along the way, they make new friends, learn new skills and master their powers to become even stronger heroes.

Super Monsters: The New Class is an entertaining and educational movie for young children that teaches valuable lessons about teamwork, friendship, and helping others. With colorful animation, fun adventures, and lovable characters, the movie is sure to delight young audiences.

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