Summer of 84 follows a group of teenage friends in Oregon in the summer of 1984. Davey, an amateur conspiracy theorist, begins to suspect that his neighbor, Wayne Mackey, may be the serial killer who has been terrorizing their town. With the help of his friends, including his crush Nikki, Davey begins to investigate Mackey and gathers evidence to support his theory.

As they delve deeper into the investigation, the teens find themselves in increasingly dangerous situations as Mackey becomes aware of their suspicions. The tension builds as Davey's obsession with the case threatens to tear apart his friendships and put all of their lives in jeopardy.

Summer of 84 is a coming-of-age thriller with a nostalgic 80s vibe, complete with a synth-heavy soundtrack and iconic pop culture references. The film explores themes of adolescent friendships, obsession, and the danger of jumping to conclusions.

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