Summer Magic is a delightful musical movie produced by Walt Disney in 1963. The movie stars Hayley Mills as Nancy Carey, a young Bostonian girl, who relocates to Beulah, Maine with her mother Carey (Dorothy McGuire) and her two younger brothers Gilly and Peter.

The family runs into trouble when they arrive in Beulah and realize that the house they were promised is in fact old and rundown. They seek help from local postmaster Osh Popham (Burl Ives), who offers to help them fix up the house.

As the family begins to make a home in the small town, they discover that the house is not entirely uninhabited. The owner, Mr. Hamilton, is away in Europe and has left the property to gather dust. Osh, who is aware of the situation, assures the Careys that they can live in the house until Mr. Hamilton returns.

One of the first things the Careys do is to invite their cousin Julia (Deborah Walley) to live with them. As soon as Julia arrives, Gilly is smitten and the two immediately strike up a friendship. Gilly learns of Julia's interest in drama and sets out to help her realize her dream of joining the Beulah Theater Group.

As the summer progresses, the Careys continue to make friends in the town and enjoy their new life. However, things begin to take a strange turn when a mysterious man arrives in town and starts to ask questions about the old house.

It is later revealed that the man, Tom Hamilton (Eddie Hodges), is the rightful owner of the house and has decided to sell it. This news is a huge blow to the Careys, who have grown to love the small town, their new friends, and the house that they have worked tirelessly to fix up.

In the end, a twist of fate helps the Careys to keep the old house and remain in Beulah. The movie is a heartwarming tale that captures the essence of small-town life and the importance of family and friendship.

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