Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay is an animated superhero film released in 2018 as part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies. The movie centers on Task Force X, a team of supervillains who are recruited by Amanda Waller to carry out dangerous and highly classified missions for the government in exchange for commuted prison sentences.

In this particular mission, the team is tasked with stealing a powerful mystical object called the "Get Out of Hell Free" card, which can grant the holder a one-time free pass to escape damnation and go straight to heaven, regardless of their actions in life. The card is currently in the possession of Vandal Savage, a notorious and ruthless immortal who will stop at nothing to keep it.

Task Force X is composed of Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, Copperhead, and Bronze Tiger. Along the way, they face opposition from other villains such as Zoom, Professor Pyg, and Silver Banshee. The team must also deal with internal conflicts and trust issues as they try to complete their mission and survive the various dangers they encounter.

The movie's plot is full of twists and turns, intense action sequences, and dark humor. It also explores the characters' backstories and motivations, giving them more depth and nuance than their typical portrayals as one-dimensional villains. Overall, Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay is an entertaining and thrilling addition to the DC animated movie canon.

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