The story takes place in a small fictional town called Syndicate. The two main characters, Jack and Tom, were best friends in high school but lost touch after graduation. One day, Jack receives a call from Tom and they decide to meet up at a local bar to catch up.

However, their reunion is interrupted when a panicked man approaches them and hands them a briefcase before being gunned down by an unknown assailant. Jack and Tom open the briefcase to find stacks of cash and drugs, realizing they have become involved in something dangerous.

They soon discover that the briefcase belongs to the town's notorious crime boss, Vito Greco, and he wants it back at any cost. He sends his top hitman, Calm, to retrieve the briefcase and eliminate anyone who crosses his path.

Jack and Tom are forced to go on the run, not only from Calm but from the corrupt police force who are in Vito's pocket. They race through the town they thought they knew, uncovering layers of secrets and corruption along the way.

As they evade Calm's pursuit, Jack and Tom must confront their own demons and the past that drove them apart. They realize the only way to survive is to work together and take on Vito and his criminal empire.

In a pulse-pounding finale, Jack and Tom face off against Vito and Calm in a showdown that will determine the fate of Syndicate. With a surprise twist, the film leaves the audience questioning who they can really trust in a town where everyone has something to hide.

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