Streets of Blood is a 2009 action-drama film directed by Charles Winkler and starring Val Kilmer, 50 Cent, and Sharon Stone. The movie is set in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and shows the chaos and corruption that swept through the city.

Val Kilmer plays Detective Andy Devereaux, who is struggling to come to terms with the loss of his longtime partner (played by Jose Pablo Cantillo) during the hurricane. He is determined to find out what really happened to his friend, and his investigation leads him to discover a web of police corruption and criminal activity.

Devereaux is paired with a new partner, Detective Stan Green (played by 50 Cent), who is young, ambitious, and not afraid to bend the rules to get results. Together they navigate the dangerous world of drug dealers, arms dealers, and corrupt cops, trying to uncover the truth about Cantillo's death.

As they get closer to the truth, Devereaux and Green find themselves in increasingly perilous situations. They have to fight their way through shootouts, car chases, and even a tense hostage situation to bring the criminals to justice.

Sharon Stone plays Nina, a local bar owner who becomes involved with Devereaux and Green's investigation. She provides them with insider knowledge of the criminal underworld and helps them to track down key suspects.

Streets of Blood is a gritty, violent film that explores themes of loyalty, justice, and redemption. The performances from Kilmer, 50 Cent, and Stone are strong, and the action scenes are well choreographed. Overall, it's an entertaining movie that offers a glimpse into the dark side of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

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