Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie follows the thrilling adventure of Ryu, Ken Masters, Major Guile, and Chun Li as they work together to bring down Bison and his sinister organization Shadowlaw. Bison, a cruel and power-hungry dictator, is determined to find and recruit the greatest fighter in the world to use as his pawn in his quest for world domination.

Ryu, a stoic and skilled fighter, is on a journey of self-discovery and has been traveling the world honing his craft and searching for the ultimate challenge. He is unaware of Bison's intentions, but his reputation as a martial arts master draws the attention of the villainous leader.

Meanwhile, Ken Masters, an American martial arts champion and Ryu's childhood friend and rival, is approached by Bison with an offer to join Shadowlaw. Ken is hesitant at first, but when he realizes Ryu is also being targeted, he decides to team up with his old friend to take down Bison.

Major Guile, a skilled soldier and leader in the United States Army, is tasked with stopping Bison's criminal activities and recruits the help of Chun Li, a fierce fighter from China. Together, they journey across the globe to track down Bison and put an end to his plans for world domination.

The movie is packed with intense fight scenes, colorful characters, and epic battles, culminating in a final showdown between good and evil. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie is a must-watch for fans of the video game series and martial arts enthusiasts alike.

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