Strawberry Flavored Plastic is a visually striking and hauntingly beautiful movie that explores the depths of the human psyche. The film follows Noel, a charming and stylish serial killer who continues to evade the authorities. Unlike most horror movies that vilify their villains, Strawberry Flavored Plastic portrays Noel as a complex character with human emotions.

Throughout the movie, Noel is being interviewed by an aspiring journalist named Claire. Claire is fascinated by Noel's story and wants to uncover the truth behind his crimes. As the movie progresses, we see flashbacks of Noel's atrocities and the twisted reasons behind his actions. We also see how his victims were not just helpless victims, but had their own secrets and desires.

The film's title, Strawberry Flavored Plastic, is a reference to the plastic wall covering that Noel uses to conceal his victims. It's both a chilling symbol of the coldness and detachment of his killings and a nod to the surreal and surrealistic nature of the story.

Overall, Strawberry Flavored Plastic is a unique and thought-provoking horror movie that blurs the lines between good and evil and examines the darker side of human nature. Its stunning cinematography and eerie atmospheric score add to the haunting and unforgettable experience.

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