In the year 2200, a mysterious virus killed off all the men on Earth. The women who survived were forced to rebuild society on their own. At first, they were able to create a utopia of peace and harmony. However, as time passed, differences in beliefs and values caused rifts to form between various groups of women.

Eventually, two factions emerged - one led by the Queen of New Atlantis, a city on a floating island, and the other led by the leader of a tribe of warrior women in the Amazon rainforest. The two sides fought a brutal war, with both sides believing they were fighting for the survival and betterment of their own people.

The women of New Atlantis possessed advanced technology and weaponry, while the Amazonian warriors were experts in guerrilla tactics and had a strong connection to nature. The battles waged on for years, with countless lives lost on both sides.

The main character, a young woman named Maya, was torn between these two factions. She had grown up in New Atlantis but had always been fascinated by the Amazonian way of life. Maya eventually finds herself caught in the middle of the conflict and discovers a secret that could change the course of the war and the fate of humanity.

As the fighting intensifies, Maya becomes determined to use her newfound knowledge to bring an end to the destructive war and forge a new future for society - one in which men and women can coexist peacefully and equally. But, with tensions running high and both sides determined to emerge victorious, Maya's efforts to broker peace may ultimately prove futile.

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