Stewart Lee: Carpet Remnant World is a stand-up comedy performance film featuring British comedian Stewart Lee. The film was shot during a live performance of Lee's stand-up routine in Buxton, UK, and it is directed by Tim Kirkby.

The film follows Lee as he reflects on his life as a middle-aged, sexless married man whose current existence centers around spending time with a four-year-old boy and watching cartoons. Lee used to be seen as an iconoclast in his younger years, but now he feels like he is stuck in a world of endless journeys to provincial theaters and an increasingly indifferent audience.

The title of the film, Carpet Remnant World, refers to Lee's observation of the world around him. He sees the world as a place where remnants of previous eras are still visible, but have been pushed to the side and covered up by newer, cheaper materials. In this world, Lee finds his comedic inspiration by examining the absurdities of modern society and the fleeting nature of fame and success.

Throughout the film, Lee tackles a variety of subjects, including politics, media, and the entertainment industry. He uses his trademark dry wit and deadpan delivery to deliver incisive commentary on these topics, while punctuating his routines with moments of surreal humor and unexpected twists.

Overall, Stewart Lee: Carpet Remnant World is a thoughtful and hilarious exploration of modern life from the perspective of a seasoned comedian. It highlights Lee's ability to find humor in the mundane and make audiences laugh while also making them think.

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