Stepsister from Planet Weird is a made-for-TV movie that premiered on Disney Channel in 2000. The film follows 14-year-old Megan Larson, who is dealing with typical teenage problems, such as crushes, school, and fitting in. Megan's father has re-married and she is trying to build relationships with her new stepmother, a vegan wildlife activist, and her new stepbrother, who is a bit of a jock.

However, Megan's world gets turned upside down when her quirky and out-of-place mother, Cosmo Cola, returns from a trip to a UFO conference with a new boyfriend, who happens to be an alien from a planet called Antareus. This new alien stepfather, Ariel, has a strange appearance and habits that make Megan and her friends feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

As Megan deals with fitting in at school and navigating her teenage years, she also has to come to terms with her mother's new relationship and the idea that she may not be completely "human." Megan also finds an unexpected friend and ally in Ariel's daughter, who is also struggling with her own identity and fitting in on Earth.

Overall, Stepsister from Planet Weird is a heartwarming and funny story about acceptance, family, and the search for self-identity in the midst of strange and unexpected circumstances.

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