The movie Stepmonster is a horror-comedy film directed by Jeremy Stanford and released in 1993. The film centers around Todd Dougherty (played by Alan Thicke), a comic-book loving teenage boy who is struggling to accept his mother's death and his father's remarriage. Todd is convinced that his father's new fiancée, something of a "wicked stepmother" archetype named Carol (played by Robin Riker), is no ordinary woman and is actually a monstrous creature who eats human flesh.

Despite Todd's insistence, no one believes him until people in the neighborhood start turning up dead. Todd becomes increasingly convinced that Carol is responsible for the murders and sets out to prove his theory. Along the way, he enlists the help of his comic-book-loving friends and his understanding science teacher (played by Bruce Davison).

As the evidence against Carol mounts, Todd must race against time to stop her from marrying his father and potentially ruining his life. The film culminates in a tense showdown between Todd and Carol, revealing her true nature to all those around her.

Stepmonster is a quirky blend of horror and comedy, with nods to classic monster movies and comic book culture. The film boasts a cast of familiar faces, including Alan Thicke, Bruce Davison, and Robin Riker, and is sure to appeal to fans of both horror and comedy genres.

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