Stephen is a young man who lives a normal life until he encounters a traumatic event that triggers intense nightmares and hallucinations. Worried about his well-being, Stephen's family admits him to a renowned mental health institution for treatment. However, the doctors misdiagnose him with a psychological disorder and prescribe medication that only exacerbates his condition.

As Stephen begins taking the medication, the line between his nightmares and reality becomes increasingly blurred. He experiences vivid and terrifying hallucinations within the institution's walls. Stephen is haunted by nightmarish creatures, malevolent apparitions, and disturbingly distorted versions of the institution's staff members.

Despite feeling trapped, Stephen gradually realizes that the medication is manipulating his perception of reality. Determined to escape this relentless nightmare, he starts planning his way out. Stephen befriends a fellow patient named Sarah, who also believes the institution is keeping them prisoner. Together, they form a bond and develop a plan to break free.

Their plan includes exploiting the institution's weaknesses, creating diversions, and outsmarting the staff. Along the way, Stephen discovers more about the institution's sinister motives and mysterious experiments on patients. Some patients have been subjected to unethical treatments, while others have simply been wrongly diagnosed like him.

As Stephen and Sarah venture deeper into the institution, they find themselves deep in a complex web of deceit and manipulation. They uncover a hidden underground facility where the institution's true intentions are revealed. It becomes apparent that the doctors and staff are part of a clandestine operation using patients as subjects for illegal experiments.

With the help of a sympathetic staff member who doubts the institution's practices, Stephen and Sarah gather evidence and plan their escape to expose the institution's horrid secrets to the outside world. However, as they get closer to freedom, the nightmares and hallucinations intensify, testing their sanity and strength.

In a thrilling climax, Stephen and Sarah manage to escape the confines of the institution, facing numerous terrifying obstacles along the way. As they step out into the real world, they must battle their own perceptions and doubts to prove to themselves and others that their experiences were real.

"State of Consciousness" is a gripping psychological thriller filled with stunning visuals and mind-bending sequences. It explores themes of identity, reality, and the lengths one will go to reclaim their sanity and freedom. The movie leaves audiences questioning the nature of perception and what happens when nightmares and reality merge.

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