State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith is a documentary film directed and produced by Cynthia Hill. It tells the story of Brittany Smith, a young woman from Alabama who was violently attacked by a man named Joshua Burgess in her home in January 2018. In self-defense, Smith shot and killed Burgess.

After the shooting, Smith called 911 and told the operator that she had been attacked and had to shoot in self-defense. Despite her claim, she was initially charged with murder and faced a maximum sentence of life in prison. However, her defense attorney argued that she was protected under Alabama's Stand Your Ground law, which allows individuals to use lethal force in self-defense without the obligation to try to retreat.

The film explores the legal battle that ensued as Smith fought for her freedom. It includes interviews with Smith, her family, her defense attorney, and members of the community who supported her. The film also delves into the complexities of Stand Your Ground laws and their racial and gendered implications.

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in June 2021 and received critical acclaim for its powerful depiction of a woman fighting for her life and her right to self-defense.

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