Starfuckers is a darkly comedic drama that follows the story of renowned film director, Max, who hires a high-end escort named Lola for an intimate evening. As they become more involved with each other, their emotional and sexual chemistry intensifies, and they begin to reveal their vulnerabilities and secrets to each other.

However, their newfound connection is soon disrupted when a familiar face arrives. It is revealed that the person who has interrupted them is Max's ex-wife, who is seeking revenge for his infidelities during their marriage.

As the night progresses, tensions rise, and secrets are exposed. Max and Lola must work together to navigate the unexpected arrival and escape the potentially explosive situation with their lives intact.

Throughout the film, the audience is taken on a raw and emotional journey, as Max and Lola confront their past traumas and find unexpected ways to heal. The film explores themes of love, loss, betrayal and redemption and is a thought-provoking commentary on the destructive nature of fame and power.

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