The film Stalked Within follows the story of Michael, a command center operator who is responsible for monitoring the security cameras in residential areas. One day, he becomes mesmerized by the life of a single mother named Rachel. He starts obsessively watching every move of Rachel and her daughter, Olivia, through the cameras installed in their house.

As Michael's obsession with Rachel grows, he begins to manipulate the cameras to create an illusion of intimacy between himself and Rachel. He starts to follow her everywhere she goes and even starts to feel possessive about her. Meanwhile, Rachel becomes increasingly worried about her safety, as she begins to receive anonymous gifts and calls.

Eventually, Michael's twisted obsession escalates, and his behavior takes on a dangerous and life-threatening form. Rachel realizes that she is being stalked, but struggles to find a way to protect herself and her daughter from the increasingly dangerous Michael.

The film is a chilling portrayal of the psychological trauma that ensues when a person is subjected to a stalker's obsessive gaze and the impact it can have on their sense of safety and well-being. The movie stars Madison Lawlor as Rachel and Taylor Nelms as Michael.

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