Stage Beauty is a historical drama film set in 17th century England, focusing on the theatrical world of the time. The film follows the story of Ned Kynaston, a male actor who specializes in playing female roles. Kynaston is considered to be the best in his trade and is famous for his portrayal of Shakespearean heroines such as Desdemona and Cleopatra.

The story takes a turn when King Charles II declares that women will be allowed to act on stage. This decision threatens Kynaston's livelihood and he struggles to adapt to the changes taking place in the theatrical world. Maria, Kynaston's loyal dresser and confidante, also faces a crisis as she realizes that her dream of acting on stage will finally come true, but she must first learn the craft from scratch.

As Maria prepares for her first performance, Kynaston becomes jealous of her success and feels threatened by her talent. Their relationship becomes strained as they navigate the new world of theater together. Kynaston must also confront his own identity as a male actor who has built his career on playing female roles.

The film explores themes of gender identity, power dynamics, and the changing cultural landscape of 17th century England. It stars Billy Crudup as Ned Kynaston and Claire Danes as Maria, with supporting performances by Rupert Everett, Tom Wilkinson, and Ben Chaplin. Directed by Richard Eyre, Stage Beauty received positive reviews for its performances and historical accuracy, and was praised for its nuanced portrayal of gender roles and sexuality.

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