
Comedy,Horror,Fantasy  Belgium,Latvia 

Squeal is a drama film directed by Piotr Ryczko. The film follows Sam, a middle-aged British man, who travels to Eastern Europe to search for his biological father Lagzdins. He arrives in a small village and begins his search for his father with little information about him.

While on the road, Sam gets into a minor car accident. The car hits a pig owned by a farmer named Marija. Marija is upset and demands that Sam pays for the damages. She takes him to her farm, where her father, Voldemars, agrees to let Sam work on the farm to pay for the damages. But as Sam begins to work on the farm, he realizes that he is being held captive and forced into manual labor on the farm.

Sam attempts to escape, but every time he tries, he is caught by Marija and Voldemars. Sam also tries to communicate with the outside world, but he has no cellphone reception, and the village is too remote to have any phone booths. The only way he can communicate with his family in the UK is through a post office in the nearest town. However, when he sends a letter to his family, Marija intercepts it and burns it.

As Sam continues to work on the farm, he begins to bond with the animals, including the pig he hit with his car. He starts to see the cruelty of the farm, and the inhumane treatment of the animals. Sam is determined to escape and vows to help the animals if he ever makes it out.

Squeal is a film about trapped life and brutality towards animals. It highlights the dark side of animal farming and captures the harsh realities of farm life in Eastern Europe. The movie ends with a twist, revealing the true identity of Sam's father, and the consequences of his search.

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