Squatter is a drama movie that tells the story of a wealthy couple named Robert and Jenny who live in a beautiful and spacious mansion in Pacific Palisades. The couple decides to take a vacation and leave their home unattended. However, they are surprised to find that a young couple has moved into their home without their permission.

The young couple, named Cameron and Lila, are homeless and have nowhere to go. They discovered the mansion was empty and decided to make it their temporary home. Despite being caught by the homeowners, Cameron and Lila plead with Robert and Jenny to allow them to stay. The couple is touched by their story and decides to let them stay in the mansion.

Over time, Robert and Jenny start to develop a relationship with Cameron and Lila, who are struggling to make ends meet. The wealthy couple helps them find jobs and provides them with food and shelter. However, things take a turn when Robert grows suspicious of Cameron's intentions and starts to dig into his past. He discovers that Cameron has a criminal record and was in jail for a violent crime.

As tensions rise, Robert and Jenny begin to question if they made the right decision in allowing Cameron and Lila into their home. Squatter is a heartwarming and emotional film that explores the themes of compassion, empathy, and the power of second chances.

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