Spun is an independent dark comedy film directed by Jonas Akerlund and released in 2002. The film follows Ross, a drug addict who has been awake for several days, as he navigates three days of his life in urban America. Throughout these three days, Ross encounters a variety of eccentric characters and experiences a range of bizarre situations that are both humorous and tragic.

Ross's drug dealer Spider sends him on a mission to pick up a large shipment of crystal meth from The Cook, a local meth producer. Along the way, Ross meets up with his drug-addicted friend Cookie and takes him along for the ride. They arrive at The Cook's house, where they meet his girlfriend Nikki, who is a stripper. Nikki flirts with Ross and invites him to stay with them for a while.

Ross's old girlfriend Amy calls him, and he reveals that he hasn't slept for three days. Amy is worried about him and urges him to come back to her. Ross agrees to meet Amy at a hotel, but when he arrives, she is not there. Instead, he finds a group of cops waiting for him, who take him to a rehab facility.

Meanwhile, The Cook begins to suspect that Spider is responsible for stealing his meth, and he forces Ross and Cookie to help him find it. They embark on a wild and dangerous journey that includes car chases and shootouts. Ultimately, they find the missing meth and return it to The Cook.

In the end, Ross goes to see Amy, who has been waiting for him. They reconcile, and Ross decides to leave his drug-addicted lifestyle behind and start over with Amy. However, the film ends on a somber note, with Ross reflecting on the many bizarre and tragic experiences he has had over the past three days.

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